Successfull AGM 2019 in Riga – Latvia
The UN 2019 AGM, hosted by the University of Latvia in Riga, on 9-10th April 2019, was a great success, with the "Interactive session on “International network – engagement, benefits and developments"....
The UN 2019 AGM, hosted by the University of Latvia in Riga, on 9-10th April 2019, was a great success, with the "Interactive session on “International network – engagement, benefits and developments"....
The Student Mobility Task Force will be holding its Autumn meeting on 17-18 November 2016. The meeting will be hosted by the University of Valencia, Spain. The Task Force will also be participating in the University of Valencia's Study Abroad week, promoting the mobility opportunities open...
The Staff Mobility Task Force will holding its autumn meeting at the University of Coimbra from 6-7 November 2017....
The Research Management Task Force will be holding its Autumn meeting on 23-24 October 2017. The meeting will be hosted by the Utrecht University, The Netherlands. ...
The Utrecht Network Student Mobility Task Force will be holding its autumn meeting on 29 November 2017. The meeting will be hosted by the University of Bologna, Italy....