Reari-RJ (Brasil)

REARI-RJ is a network programme within the Utrecht Network, in which the exchange of students was agreed upon with reciprocal waiver of tuition fees.

REARI-RJ (Rede das Assessorias Internacionais das Instituições de Ensino Superior do Rio de Janeiro) is composed of thirteen HEIs from the State of Rio de Janeiro — UFRJ, PUC-RIO, UERJ, UFF, CEFET, Colégio Pedro II, IFRJ, UEZO, UENF, UFFRJ, UNIRIO, Fiocruz, and IFFluminense.

It is a heterogeneous and non-profit network of international advisory agencies, each one with its respective specificities, corroborating for the benefit of its members jointly and horizontally.
In this way, its actions with public authorities and the society aim to raise awareness of the importance of international academic cooperation as a strategy for the maintenance of the Network within civil society.

Study places in these programmes are interdisciplinary, i.e. not restricted to one area of study, but each participating university may have its own constraints.

For further information on the REARI-RJ please see:

Utrecht Network students interested in applying for a placement in Brasil should contact their home institution for details on the application process.

Contact details for Utrecht Network members can be found here.