European Projects

Members of the Utrecht Network are involved in many international projects. In addition, the Utrecht Network is a partner (full or associate) in the following European projects:

Erasmus + Key Action 2 – with Utrecht Network as a Full Partner

The Utrecht Network is a full partner in the ‘Internationalisation and Modernisation Programme for Academics, Leaders and Administrators (IMPALA)’. The project is co-ordinated by the Universiteit Antwepen and the aim of the project is to set up a network of European and South African universities and educational organisations to further develop and modernise internationalisation strategies in South African universities.  Further details on the project can be found here.

Erasmus+ Programme – with Utrecht Network as Associate Partner

The Utrecht Network is an Associate Partner in the Erasmus Mundus Master Advanced Spectroscopy in Chemistry.  Further details about the programme can be found at:

Member of the Advisory Board

The Utrecht Network is a member of the Advisory Board of the Erasmus+, Key Action 3 project ‘Measuring and Comparing Achievements of Learning Outcomes in Higher Education in Europe (CALOHEE)’. Further details on the project can be found here.

The Utrecht Network also has a significant interest in the Erasmus+ funded mastermind Europe project. The project has the aim of leading to a better match between increasing diversity in Master’s study programmes and increasing diversity in Master’s classrooms.  Further information on the project can be found here.

Logo of the Erasmus+ Programme
