Green student mobility project

Green student mobility project

For a new initiative in the Utrecht Network (UN), we are looking for 10 students from UN institutions to participate in a project to promote green student travel habits.

We ask all UN members to share this call with relevant student groups.

Description of the project

How can we help more students travel green?

Recent findings on student travel behavior show an attitude-behavior gap.

Students are very concerned about environmental issues but almost 3 of 4 still fly to and from Erasmus exchange.

What can we do to reduce this gap? 

In this student-led project we invite students to develop and propose solutions of how the UN can stimulate green mobility between its member institutions.

Participants will travel green to a workshop in Brno, Czech Republic, where these questions will be discussed.

Participants will be asked to document and share their green travel story, which will be published as examples for green travels between UN institutions. 

Application procedure

Interested students apply by filling out this online form within the deadline 31. December 2022. Applicants are asked to complete a short motivation text and travel plan in the online form. 

You can apply individually or together with a fellow student from your UN institution. Selected students will be notified in the first half of January 2023. 

By applying, applicants confirm their willingness to participate in a preparatory online meeting in February 2023 and the in-person workshop in Masaryk from 13-15 March 2023.

Participants must be available to complete their green travel in the days before and after the workshop.

Eligibility: Student enrolled in any BA/MA programme at an Utrecht network institution.

Selection criteria: Motivation. Feasibility of the travel plan. Participants representing a variation of countries, institution and academic fields. 

Travel and board: travel cost for green travel to and from Masaryk will be covered. Maximum rate is the equivalent of a 5-day (within one month) interrail ticket. Hotel (single room), lunch and dinner is included.

Preliminary workshop programme 13-15 March

Monday: arrival in Masaryk, check-in at Hotel, dinner for participants

Tuesday: workshop 10-17, social activity, dinner for participants

Wednesday: workshop 10-15, return journey

This Utrecht Network initiative is coordinated by the University of Bergen and hosted by Masaryk University.

Info: Questions regarding the project, or applications, can be addressed to [email protected].