20th Anniversary of the Bologna Process

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20th Anniversary of the Bologna Process

24 June, 2019 - 25 June, 2019

Bologna ProcessThe Alma Mater Studiorum – Università di Bologna, jointly with the Italian Ministry for Education, Universities and Research, under the aegis of the Observatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum and the European University Association, has decided to celebrate the Twentieth Anniversary of the Bologna Declaration with an academic conference to be held in Bologna, Italy, on 24 and 25 June 2019.

The conference is intended as an analytical as well as an agenda-setting contribution to the design of the Bologna
Process in the years to come and it aims at identifying important future challenges for universities and their role in
society. The proceedings of this meeting will be input for the 2020 EHEA Ministerial Meeting in Rome.

The event website is now online: http://bolognaprocess2019.it/. You can find there the event details and practical information. As many participants are expected, all interested are invited to register online, (http://bolognaprocess2019.it/registration/) and to book the accommodation as soon as possible.

The initiative will include a celebration day – on June 24th in the afternoon – and a working session on June 25th. For the second day the scientific committee has opened a Call for Abstracts on five themes:

1 – Academic and related civic values in changing societies
2 – Student-centered Learning: really?
3 – Providing Leadership for Sustainable Development, the Role of Higher Education
4 – The Social Dimension of Higher Education
5 – Careers and Skills for the Labor Market of the future

Many scholars will be involved to discuss the core values of the EHEA and develop a “Vision” for the European Higher Education Area beyond 2020.

It is only with the expert help of many in Europe and beyond that we shall be able to indeed deliver valuable input to the EHEA in the decades to come.

For further information, please e-mail the International Relations Strategy Support Unit at [email protected].


24 June, 2019
25 June, 2019


University of Bologna
Via Zamboni, 33
Bologna, Italy
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