Mission and Aims


The mission of the European-wide Utrecht network is to provide stable grounds for international cooperation.

We stive to strengthen the international profile of our member universities by providing fora for cooperation in internationalization, develop our communities through practice sharing and common initiatives, as well as to ensure reach out to the partners on other continents, through mobility schemes and other initiatives.

Strategic intent

The Utrecht Network Strategic plan sets out the trajectories to maintain the collaborative impact gained throughout the years, and foster the Network’s development in the changing higher education landscape.

We work to increase the network’s visibility and impact on European level in general and value and importance at each partner university in particular.

From a global perspective the Network is committed to building bridges between cultures through the development of mobility schemes with partners in other continents.

General aims

For the period 2021-2024, the Network will continue pursuing the goals, which have been set and is represented through the FORCES aims and priorities:
Foster internationalisation of education
Open up to new forms of cooperation
Respond actively to European HE policies
Collaborate effectively within the Network
Enhance internationalisation processes in member institutions
Strengthen the profile and global outlook of the Network

FORCES encapsulates the established activities of the Network and reiterates the importance of connecting the traditional activities like quality of internationalisation and internationalisation of education with the changing international context through new forms of collaboration, European HE policies, and expanding the global outlook of the Network.

FORCES encourages to take advantage of the new opportunities in the global arena by relying on the strengths and traditions of the Network and improving cooperation amongst its members.

For further information about any of the Network’s activities please contact: [email protected]

Members - Utrecht Network